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Participation in the website

Submission of information

If you are interested in submitting technological information (news, remarks, doubts, events, links,…) to be posted in the Website, you must send it to the following address:

Once reviewed by the Website´s managers, the information will be published if it meets the Websites´ objectives (technological information, R&D&I activities and defense field) and in case its dissemination may be positive for other agents within the field of defense.

Technological capabilities

In case the managers of an entity (company, small or medium sized company, university, research centers,...) developing its activities in the field of any technological areas of interest to the Ministry are interested in publicizing them on the Website, they must send an application to the following e-mail address:

This communication channel will allow the managers of the entity, to provide a description of their organization’s most representative and interesting technological capabilities, both for other entities and for the Ministry of Defense. They will be able to complement the description with images and documents.

The information provided will be classified according to the technological areas, lines and objectives set by the ETID. Any search carried out in the home page will provide this information as well as all the other agents whose activities belong to the same technological field.

In order to prevent that organizations provided with capabilities in multiple technological areas have to concentrate and summarize all their capabilities description in only one content area, it will be possible to share such descriptions in different contents areas, each of them related to different technological fields. To this end, the Website’s managers will assist the entities in finding the best way to reflect their capabilities.

Along with the information on their technological capabilities, it will also be possible to include points of contact to facilitate direct contact with other entities interested in collaborating.


© Copyright 2012 - Dirección General de Armamento y Material MDE - Secretaría de Estado de la Defensa

Paseo de la Castellana, 109 - 3ª planta, 28071 - Madrid, España Tfno.: (34) 91 395 50 00

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