The “Cooperation in Scientific Research and Development related to Strategic Technologies” (COINCIDENTE) Programme aims to make use of the technologies developed in the civil field to incorporate innovative technological solutions of interest to the MINISDEF. The projects developed in the framework of this program should promote the development of a military functionality demonstrator and should represent a significant technological innovation, meeting an actual or potential requirement from the Ministry of Defence.
Since its launching in 1985, the COINCIDENTE program has been a key tool in improving the national scientific, technological and industrial base in those technological areas which are of interest for Defence. The program is open to the participation of companies, universities, research centres, public research institutions, etc.
The General Directorate of Armament and Materiel regularly publishes in the State Bulletin a call-for-proposals of R&D projects to be included in the COINCIDENTE program. After the conclusion of the selection process and the negotiation with the selected proponent, the corresponding administrative contracts are assigned to perform the agreed works.
For further information regarding the COINCIDENTE program, please check the following documents:
- Ministerial Order DEF/1453/2010 of May 25th, regulating the conditions to launch a selection process of R&D projects of interest for Defence under the COINCIDENTE program.
- The latest call for the COINCIDENTE program.