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European Defence Agency (EDA)

EDA logo The European Defence Agency (EDA) was established on 12 July 2004 by the Council Joint Action 2004/551/CFSP, currently replaced by the Council Decision 2011/411/CFSP of 12 July 2011. Within this framework, adapting the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty regarding the Agency, the EDA’s mission is to support the Council and the Member States in their effort to improve EU’s defence capabilities in the field of crisis management and to sustain the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).

The Agency has the following main tasks:

  1. Contribute to defining the military capability needs of the Member States;
  2. Promote the harmonization of operational needs and the adoption of effective, compatible procurement methods;
  3. Propose and manage cooperation projects and ensure coordination of the programmes implemented by the Member States;
  4. Support Defence R&T and coordinate and plan joint research activities and the study of technical solutions to meet future operational needs;
  5. Contribute to identifying and, if necessary, implementing any useful measure for strengthening the European Defence Technological and Industrial base (EDTIB).

Each of these tasks is carried out by the corresponding Operational Directorate within the EDA: Capabilities, R&T, Armaments and Industry & Market.

EDA R&T Directorate

The most important task of the EDA R&T Directorate is to promote defence R&T collaboration between EDA participating Member States (pMS).

The R&T Directorate organizes its activities in twelve technology areas called “CapTechs” (Capability Technology area). Each CapTechs is focused on a specific area of the military domain and at the same time serves as a forum where experts of the participating Member States can share their priorities and ideas regarding R&T in order to propose, generate and manage research and technology projects that can satisfy European military capability requirements.

The following figure illustrates the current twelve CapTechs.

Table of EDA CapTechs

CapTechs composition

CapTechs operate as meeting points for European experts belonging to governmental Defence agencies, industry, research centres and academic institutions. These experts are classified in three categories:

  • CapTech National Coordinators (CNC): Appointed Member State representatives, they are in charge of coordinating the national participation in the group, proposing R&T Projects and Studies on behalf of their Member State and expressing their pMS position.
  • CapTech Governmental Experts (CGE): Contribute as experts on specific topics within the CapTech and support their CNC in the preparation of tasks/activities for the CapTech within their area of expertise.
  • CapTech non-Governmental Experts (CnGE): Industry, research centre and academic institutions experts who cooperate with the CNC and CGE to generate and launch R&D projects and activities.

For further information on EDA, please visit its website.


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