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Defence University Centres (CUD)

Image of the San Javier Air Force General AcademyThe Defence University Centres Network (CUDs), created by Royal Decree 1723/2008, of 24th October, is a novel education system for the future officers of the Spanish Armed Forces, combining the general and specific military training with the study of higher education degrees.

The CUDs belong to the Ministry of Defence, via the Under-Secretary for Defence, and are located in the Officers Training Academies. Currently there are three Defence University Centres:

  • Zaragoza CUD, located in the General Military Academy of Zaragoza and attached to the University of Zaragoza (
  • Vigo CUD, located in the Naval Military School of Marín and attached to the University of Vigo (
  • Cartagena CUD, located in Air Force General Academy of San Javier and attached to the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (

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