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Aims of the website

Three-colour quantum well detector for sea-skimming missile detectionThe Website has been designed to be a meeting point for all those involved in Defence R&T, and has three main goals.

  • Promote the integrated work of all the defence national technology community along the Ministry of Defence´s technology strategy (ETID).
  • Boost the national technological base with activities in the field of defence, promoting mutual knowledge and collaboration between the different players involved.
  • Promote the dissemination of R&D information developed in the Ministry, establishing a point of reference which centralizes both the tools and mechanisms available as well as the technological initiatives and achievements.

The Website has two different parts, a public one and a private one, both accessible from the Internet:

  • The public part will include information on the R&D activities undertaken by the Ministry and other bodies involved (EDA, STO, …), as well as on other technologies of interest and the capacities of the national technological base. Information will be presented through news, links, events and documents (studies, calls, R&D projects, etc.), provided with filtering and search tools to facilitate its operation.
  • In the private part, accessible only by registered users, different tools support the development and exchange of information in communities of interest concerning technologies, projects, etc.

The Website aims to become an efficient tool for exchanging ideas and developing innovative technological solutions for our Armed Forces, contributing in a decisive manner to the success of the missions they have been assigned.

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Next events

TALLER CON EMPRESAS “24” FUERZA 2035 – Robotización del Campo de BatallaFrom 12/02/2025 to 12/02/2025
La Dirección de Adquisiciones (DIAD) del Mando de Apoyo Logístico del Ejército (MALE), con el apoyo de la Subdirección General de Planificación, Tecnología e Innovación (SDGPLATIN) de la Dirección General de Estrategia e Innovación de la Industria de Defensa (DIGEID), organiza el Taller con empresas “24” FUERZA 2035 – Robotización del Campo de Batalla, que se celebrará el próximo día 12 de febrero de 2025 en la Escuela Politécnica Superior del Ejército, situada en Madrid, a partir de las 09:00 horas. More information 
Jornada informativa sobre la Convocatoria 2025 del EDFFrom 20/02/2025 to 20/02/2025
El próximo 20 de febrero de 2025, se va a celebrar una jornada informativa sobre la convocatoria 2025 del EDF organizada por la DIGEID en colaboración con ISDEFE. More information 
ETSI/IQC Quantum Safe Cryptography Conference 2025From 03/06/2025 to 05/06/2025
Durante los días 3 a 5 de junio de 2025, se celebrará de manera presencial en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), la Conferencia ETSI/IQC sobre criptografía cuántica segura. More information 

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